Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sue Daley fun

Thursday 2 weeks ago, 14. April, May Britt and Britt came to my house so we could go together to a lecture by Sue Daley, hosted by Kathrines Quilte Stue.


It was one of the first warm spring days, and we sort of had a spring party on the veranda first, with sewing, coffee and biscuits + an easy dinner of pizza outdoors :-)


Kathrine had brought temptations galore :-)


It was nice to have my picture taken with Sue :-)


Bjørg had brought her lovely Sue Daley quilt to the show and tell.

After, Sue gave a lovely lecture on her work and her way to make quilts.
All Sue's quilts are English Paper Piecing.

P1030945P1030949P1030951P1030955P1030958P1030959P1030963P1030966P1030971P1030975P1030979P1030980Here are a good selection of Sue's work, big and small.

It was a great inspiration to listen to Sue, and I absolutely love the fact that Sue makes all her models herself!
Several template kits came home with me :-)

It was a great day!



  1. Det var mange lekre modeller! Skjønner godt at du ble fristet til å handle litt ;)
    Har aldri fått sving på slik engelsk-søm - kanskje jeg skulle gi det en sjanse til?
    Morsomme utfordringer dere gir hverandre - dere er kjempeflinke alle tre!

  2. Wow! I am sew jealous. Looks like a fabulous day was had by all.

  3. Vi hadde en helt herlig kveld med masse masse inspirasjon.

  4. Jøje meg så mye fint på en gang. Glad jeg ikke var der jeg, hadde garantert kommet til å bruke mer en budsjettet hadde maktet å bære.


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Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!